The other night I was having difficulty sleeping. Half in sleep and half out, images kept flashing throuhg my mind, and I knew I wouldn't get any rest until I got up and wrote it all down. The words "The United States will no longer be United" flashed through my mind. As I sat down to write the message coming through, I felt as if I was plopped down into the middle of it. As you will see when you read it there is no introduction and it also stops abruptly at the end. I do my best in my October Energy forecast to explain more of what I feel the message is, but here is what I received at 2:30am, the morning of the Autumn Equinox...
"The United States will no longer be United. This U.S. election will not be the same as elections from the past, it will not be what people are expecting. The days leading up to and after the election will be the catalyst for major change in the form of chaos. There will be an uprising of many people who will challenge the federal government and the United States will never again be the same.
You must no longer place your sense of security or power into the hands of these constitutions. It is incredibly important that you focus your attentions on the constitutions nearest you, such as the locals, your neighbors, your towns and cities. There will be much upheaval amongst the people, but it is the people who must step into power. The government can do little for you now. You must rise to create the future you wish to have. EVERY choice you make in your individual lives is a VOTE put toward the future of humanity. These votes have MUCH MORE power than ANY ballot you place your name on.
Pay attention to how you live your daily lives, what and who you give your power to, what changes are you actively making, or do you choose to be passive? Passivity is also a choice, though one you may not like the consequences of. You must take accountability for yourselves and the planet you live on. The Earth can no longer tolerate the level of toxicity given to her and she will make this abundantly clear to you. If you wish to still have an Earth to live upon, you must take this seriously. Start with what you know, with what is more simple. Angela has much to share on this topic, and she will do so...
It is time NOW to expand your vision outside of yourselves and to recognize your independence to be an illusion. You do not exist separately from the world around you, your survival depends on these resources. You must learn to be inter-dependent with one another now, for it is the only way you will survive what is to come. We do not say this to frighten you. We say this, in part, to prepare you, but we know, also, that if you choose to take the steps we have given, you will most definitely soften the future you are heading towards.
You have much more power than you realize and it is time for you to stand in it. Some of you will become leaders in this new world, and this is important to note: leadership must start in your local communities, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, you must recognize what these are within yourselves so that you may understand what it is each of you has to offer to the collective."
This was where I dropped off, but it is a lot of information. As for the suggestions I have to help save our planet, here are but a few: Limit your use of plastics, no matter the convenience. Use non-toxic, clean and eco friendly products in your home and on your bodies. Take care of the bee's, learn how important they are to the survival of your planet and what you can do to support them. Limit food waste, participate in composting. Use less water, if possible, and wash all laundry in cold water.
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You can also watch this video for a list of practical ways you can make a positive impact TODAY: